International Clan Maclean Gatherings on the Isle of Mull:
Monday 19 June to Sunday 25 June 2023 (please note, due to Covid-19 this date was one year later than originally planned).
The Gathering 2023 has been held and was a great success when up to 700 clans people attended from around the world to celebrate kinship, meet the Chief Sir Lachlan Maclean and visit Duart Castle the ancestral home of Macleans.
Keep watch for an announcement for the Gathering 2027.
In 1912 the Chief of Clan Maclean, Sir Fitzroy Maclean, invited the clan to join him at Duart to celebrate with him the return of the castle to Maclean ownership.
The video below shows Sir Lachlan Maclean during the International Gathering 2012 addressing the Clan from the steps of Duart Castle that celebrated its restoration that had been undertaken 100 years earlier.
In 1912 and 2012 the Clan Maclean proudly marched to Duart.